Jason Michael Stepina

Siwa Murti Teacher




Ratu Nabe - Master Healer and High Priest


Jason Michael Stepina is the founder of the Siwa Murti School For Healing. He has been in the healing arts for over 20 years. It’s truly his calling to be of service and help others. He has studied and practiced many modalities including Shiatsu, Polarity Therapy, Deep Tissue, Reiki, Nutrition through the eyes of Chinese Medicine, and many meditation practices. He’s studied at The Heartwood Institute, The Life Energy Institute, The Institute of Psycho-Structural Balancing, and has worked with many incredible healers, gleaning invaluable information. Jason has had the great opportunity to study Polarity Therapy with Bruce Berger author of Esoteric Anatomy: the Body as Consciousness. He also had the good fortune to be taught Shiatsu by Paul Pitchford author of Healing with Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition. Jason has been a continual student of healing and dedicated to exploring human consciousness. 

In 2018 Jason began studying Shiva Murti Healing (Siwa Murti) . In all his years of research he had never come across a modality as powerful and effective as this one. Shiva Murti Healing (Siwa Murti) comes from a master healer and high priest named Ratu Nabe in Bali, Indonesia. Jason has had the honor to study Shiva Murti Healing (Siwa Murti) directly with Ratu Nabe. He has been initiated as a (Level 6) Gana Usadha Shiva Murti Teacher and Healer. Jason Michael Stepina is dedicated to bringing Shiva Murti Healing (Siwa Murti) home and share this work in the US and abroad. He has founded the Siwa Murti School For Healing to spread and teach this incredible work. Jason has also founded the Siwa Murti Cancer Study to collect data on the incredible effects of Siwa Murti on cancer.