Announcing the

Shiva Murti Sacred Bali Training

Study Shiva Murti Healing (Siwa Murti)

In Bali, Indonesia with Ratu Nabe

Next exciting trip to Bali is planned

Some of the incredible experiences you will have on this sacred retreat

 -- Being initiated in Ratu Nabe's private, sacred fountains
 -- Receiving a direct healing from Ratu Nabe and having the opportunity for him to heal a loved ones photo
 -- Participating in an elaborate Balinese graduation ceremony
 -- Working with the Gana Bala, the martial arts arm of Siwa Murti

— Visit Dalemped Temple, one of the most energetically charged spots on the planet

— Enjoy glorious waterfalls, and experience a deep profound ceremony in a temple actually built IN a waterfall complex

-- Experiencing other powerful Balinese healers
 -- Exploring sacred sites including the mystical cave temple on Nusa Penida island
 -- Enjoying the luxury of a beautiful private resort

—Visit stunning beaches and so much more

May 2024

Come Join Us!


Siwa Murti Sacred Bali Training Coming This April 2023

Siwa Murti Sacred Bali Training - Robyn's experience in the sacred fountains.